Thrillworks Rapid Design Sprint

A proven approach to accelerating digital innovation.

Reduce the risk involved in bringing a product or idea to market by leveraging structured, yet rapid iteration and testing of potential solutions.

A hand pointing towards a lo-fi mobile app prototype sketched on paper, illustrating the collaborative process of a design sprint.
A hand pointing towards a lo-fi mobile app prototype sketched on paper, illustrating the collaborative process of a design sprint.

How it works

A design sprint defines core project opportunities and evolves them from concept to high-fidelity, testable prototype – all while bypassing build and launch phases typically associated with getting a testable product to market.

First we ensure the right people are present at the right stages. We work collaboratively to define and understand the key areas of opportunity, use design methods to iterate on a wide range of potential ideas, and define the single most valuable solution.

From there, Thrillworks’ design and dev teams will build a high-fidelity prototype that is tested with target users. The key is to create a convincing experience for those users.

This high level of fidelity is where our design sprint varies from most others. Allowing users to be more immersed in the experience not only means genuine reactions and insightful feedback from testing, but also typically leads to an accelerated internal approvals process for our clients.

2 whiteboards covered with colourful sticky notes, illustrating the process of understanding current state, defining customer personas, and aligning business goals in a collaborative workshop
2 whiteboards covered with colourful sticky notes, illustrating the process of understanding current state, defining customer personas, and aligning business goals in a collaborative workshop
2 whiteboards covered with colourful sticky notes, illustrating the process of understanding current state, defining customer personas, and aligning business goals in a collaborative workshop

In short, we do it to prove it.

In two weeks our clients walk away with a tested prototype backed by rich user feedback and proven direction. This increases the likelihood of success for the digital project or service.

“This is fantastic. I wish we could do this every week. Don't lose these stickies, I don't want to forget any of these ideas.”

CEO, Participant